Monday, 26 September 2016

Poppin' Links.

Be About

Image result for map links

In today's day and age, it's becoming more and more common to know fewer people and to stay in one place rather than going to different places and meeting new and different people, but it shouldn't be like this.

Be About.

What I mean by this is that you should get to know different places and different people. You should be known all over the place but by the right people. Be known by those who can help you and can provide opportunities for you. Be known and know people who can link you to different sectors and different services.

Being About instead of static is a great factor of success. It means that no matter where you go, you're good. No matter what sector you want to go into, you're good. No matter what you need help with, you're good. Why? Because of all the links you have via the people you know. 

Don't be afraid to go places by yourself in order to meet new people; don't be afraid to start over in order to meet new people. By Being About, you can learn so many different things and you also create so much room for yourself because you're unrestricted.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: Start going to places that you haven't been before, start meeting new people and make new links.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

*Don't forget to +1 the blog, +1 the post, comment your thoughts and share it with your people!*

Monday, 12 September 2016

Poppin' Advancement.

Bigger And Better Things

Image result for bigger and better things from God

On their journey of life, too many people get used to the pit stops and get too comfortable and they end up losing sight and settling for what isn't actually their final destination.

Bigger And Better Things.

What I mean by this is that on your way through life, you need to be able to recognise the temporary opportunities which God has given you to help you get to the ultimate opportunity which is your final destination. 

Too many people get a temporary opportunity that's only meant to help them get to Bigger And Better Things but they don't realise this and so when it's time for them to move on to another God given opportunity, they usually miss out on it and don't realise it because of how used they have become to where they currently are.

Some people also get temporary opportunities from God that purposely aren't so good but they're opportunities that are meant to help them, make them realise things and that they can learn from, but because it isn't what they wanted, they seem to settle for it and think that everything they've worked so hard for wasn't worth it and that that's the end.

Like I said, too many people get used to places where they're only passing though and so they miss out on other opportunities. Always be expectant of Bigger And Better Things.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: Firstly, what do you think the headline image represents? Leave your thoughts in the comments and let's discuss them. Then, Pray to God and ask him to reveal to you, his plan for you. You may find that you have to pray more than once but ask him to show what part of that plan you're at. You never know what he may reveal to you about your current position in life or why you're there or where you're going.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

*Don't forget to +1 the blog, +1 the post, comment your thoughts and share it with your people!*

Monday, 5 September 2016

Poppin' Enthusiasm!

Always Be Enthusiastic!

Image result for enthusiasm

Too many people pick and choose when to be Enthusiastic according to how they feel about whatever it is, but this shouldn't be the case.

Always Be Enthusiastic!

Being Enthusiastic is the best way to approach literally everything in life. Why? Because being Enthusiastic means that you're willing and eager and those are two things that'll never fail you in life.

You should be excited about new things; new things bring new, bigger and better opportunities. New things actually help you in life and take you places and the more excited and Enthusiastic you are about them, the more you'll be able to get out of them.

Don't be someone who lives for the weekend. Too many people are only Enthusiastic about weekends but dread Monday's. This is something that needs to change. You should be just as excited or if not, even more, excited about Monday because it's the first day of your grafting week during which you make things happen! How can you not be Enthusiastic about such a day?

Like I said, the more Enthusiastic you are, the simpler and easier your life gets. So make your life simpler by being more and more Enthusiastic each and every day.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: If you're someone who isn't too Enthusiastic then work on being more Enthusiastic or if you know someone who isn't, then recommend this post to them and help them become more Enthusiastic.

Image result for enthusiasm

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

*Don't forget to +1 the blog, +1 the post, comment your thoughts and share it with your people!*