Bigger And Better Things

On their journey of life, too many people get used to the pit stops and get too comfortable and they end up losing sight and settling for what isn't actually their final destination.
Bigger And Better Things.
What I mean by this is that on your way through life, you need to be able to recognise the temporary opportunities which God has given you to help you get to the ultimate opportunity which is your final destination.
Too many people get a temporary opportunity that's only meant to help them get to Bigger And Better Things but they don't realise this and so when it's time for them to move on to another God given opportunity, they usually miss out on it and don't realise it because of how used they have become to where they currently are.
Some people also get temporary opportunities from God that purposely aren't so good but they're opportunities that are meant to help them, make them realise things and that they can learn from, but because it isn't what they wanted, they seem to settle for it and think that everything they've worked so hard for wasn't worth it and that that's the end.
Like I said, too many people get used to places where they're only passing though and so they miss out on other opportunities. Always be expectant of Bigger And Better Things.
Have a blessed week!
Task for the week: Firstly, what do you think the headline image represents? Leave your thoughts in the comments and let's discuss them. Then, Pray to God and ask him to reveal to you, his plan for you. You may find that you have to pray more than once but ask him to show what part of that plan you're at. You never know what he may reveal to you about your current position in life or why you're there or where you're going.
-Written by Denzel Abdulai -
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