Monday 22 August 2016

Poppin' Determination!

You Determine Your Life!

Too many people are led to believe that a piece of paper with letters on it that is handed to you by your school is what Determines your life and this is because it's what people like their parents have also insisted, but that's wrong.

You Determine Your Life!

What I mean by this is that your results aren't what Determines your life and so they shouldn't hinder you from pursuing and going for your dreams. If your grades aren't so good, then you should use that as motivation to go harder in your craft. Why? Because you want to show everyone that a piece of paper with a bunch of letters on it doesn't Determine Your life and that You do! 

You should also remember that grades are the product of formal education and formal education isn't for everyone. Some people are better at educating themselves and teaching themselves about what they believe is for them and what they'll go far in; self-education is also the best way to achieve success in Life because firstly, it never stops as you're learning every day and secondly, it's actually more enjoyable making it easier. If you look at the most successful people of today, they're all people who took it upon themselves to educate themselves and go hard in their craft.

Don't misunderstand, getting good grades is a great achievement and for certain people, can open many doors and help them in life, but it's just not what Determines Your Life and for some people, isn't really necessary. However, you should always try your best to get them as they do look good as an achievement to look back on and could come in handy at any time.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: As everyone receives their GCSE and A-Level grades, if your's aren't too good then use it as motivation to go harder in your craft and prove that You Determine Your Life and not your grades or if you know someone who's grades weren't too good then tell them to do the same.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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  1. This was amazing , keep it up Denzel A.

  2. That was extraordinary Densel you have taught all of us a massive lesson to stay positive and to believe in ourselves no matter what the outcome is and i praise you for that!
