Monday, 31 October 2016

Poppin' Perseverance.

Don't Crumble Under Pressure

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In today's world, with everything going on, there's one main thing that you must not do.

Don't Crumble Under Pressure.

Pressure can come from many different places and in different amounts. Pressure is there to test and strengthen you. Different things apply different amounts of pressure on you and it's your job to preserve and overcome this pressure. You could even be the one putting yourself under pressure, but this isn't good as it could have seriously negative effects on you. Too much pressure creates stress and nothing good ever comes from stress.

However, pressure isn't always a bad thing. Enough pressure can actually push you to do better and can help you accomplish your goals and fulfil your dreams. The more used you are to being under pressure, the easier it is for you to get through most things in life, as pressure can actually prepare you for different challenges that you'll face.

When you feel as if the pressure is becoming too much and you can't persevere, don't be scared to step back for a while and take a little break but just never give up and be sure to persevere. Remember, pressure makes diamonds.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: Don't crumble under pressure and allow it to strengthen you!

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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Monday, 24 October 2016

Truly Poppin'.

Find Your Why

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Everyone wants a come up these days and because of this, they do whatever they think is poppin', but for no other reason than to be poppin'. This shouldn't be the case...

Find Your Why.

The only way to be truly poppin' is to find a real reason as to why you do what you do. What I mean by this, is are you doing it for the sake of doing it or are you doing it because you enjoy doing it? If it's because you enjoy doing it then that's good because you're bound to gain from it, where as if you only do it for the sake of it, you may gain a few things from it but only in the short term, as it won't last.

Before you embark on something, check yourself and make sure that you're doing it genuinely for the right reasons and not just for the sake of it. Don't force it because  you'll end up forcing yourself somewhere you don't want to be.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: Firstly, what do you think the head image means? Drop your thought's in the comments. Then ask yourself - are you truly poppin' or just forcing it? If you're just forcing then change that.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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Monday, 10 October 2016

Right Poppin'.

Do Right

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Everyone want's to live a better life but in order to do so, you must know how to and it's simple...

Do Right.

Doing Right is literally as easy as it sounds. There aren't any lists or rules that you have to carry out or go by.

Doing Right can be anything from the little you do, to the biggest deeds you've ever done as long as it's the Right thing to Do. Doing Right can be done in your thoughts due to them becoming reality, your actions because they are remembered forever and even your words because of the power that they hold.

By Doing Right, you're making the world a better place whilst taking up the opportunity of making yourself a better person and this is good because the only way to start making the world a better place, is by making yourself a better person. It also reduces the risk of regret and makes life more worth living for yourself as well as others.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: Simply just Do Right!

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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Monday, 3 October 2016

Poppin' You.

Learn, Take And Adapt

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Too many people learn from those who they look up to or who are where they aim to be, take what they've learnt and then try to copy it. That's wrong.

Learn, Take And Adapt.

When Learning from others, don't Take what you've Learnt and copy it. You should Take what you've Learnt and Adapt it to yourself to help you better yourself. Everybody's different and you copying someone else will never work because sooner or later you'll realise that you either can't keep up or it's just not for you and you're doing the wrong things. 

By Adapting what you've Learnt will also help you find yourself whilst you better yourself. You'll be able to know how to react to certain situations and how to carry yourself. You'll also be able to Learn a valuable lesson from other people's mistakes that you would've otherwise made and it gives you a bit more of an insight to life.

Don't work on being the next someone. Working on being the first you!

Have A blessed day!

Task for the day: See what you can Learn from those around you, Take it and Adapt it so that you can use it for yourself.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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