Monday 10 October 2016

Right Poppin'.

Do Right

Image result for do right

Everyone want's to live a better life but in order to do so, you must know how to and it's simple...

Do Right.

Doing Right is literally as easy as it sounds. There aren't any lists or rules that you have to carry out or go by.

Doing Right can be anything from the little you do, to the biggest deeds you've ever done as long as it's the Right thing to Do. Doing Right can be done in your thoughts due to them becoming reality, your actions because they are remembered forever and even your words because of the power that they hold.

By Doing Right, you're making the world a better place whilst taking up the opportunity of making yourself a better person and this is good because the only way to start making the world a better place, is by making yourself a better person. It also reduces the risk of regret and makes life more worth living for yourself as well as others.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: Simply just Do Right!

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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