Monday 3 October 2016

Poppin' You.

Learn, Take And Adapt

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Too many people learn from those who they look up to or who are where they aim to be, take what they've learnt and then try to copy it. That's wrong.

Learn, Take And Adapt.

When Learning from others, don't Take what you've Learnt and copy it. You should Take what you've Learnt and Adapt it to yourself to help you better yourself. Everybody's different and you copying someone else will never work because sooner or later you'll realise that you either can't keep up or it's just not for you and you're doing the wrong things. 

By Adapting what you've Learnt will also help you find yourself whilst you better yourself. You'll be able to know how to react to certain situations and how to carry yourself. You'll also be able to Learn a valuable lesson from other people's mistakes that you would've otherwise made and it gives you a bit more of an insight to life.

Don't work on being the next someone. Working on being the first you!

Have A blessed day!

Task for the day: See what you can Learn from those around you, Take it and Adapt it so that you can use it for yourself.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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