Monday, 24 October 2016

Truly Poppin'.

Find Your Why

Image result for find your why

Everyone wants a come up these days and because of this, they do whatever they think is poppin', but for no other reason than to be poppin'. This shouldn't be the case...

Find Your Why.

The only way to be truly poppin' is to find a real reason as to why you do what you do. What I mean by this, is are you doing it for the sake of doing it or are you doing it because you enjoy doing it? If it's because you enjoy doing it then that's good because you're bound to gain from it, where as if you only do it for the sake of it, you may gain a few things from it but only in the short term, as it won't last.

Before you embark on something, check yourself and make sure that you're doing it genuinely for the right reasons and not just for the sake of it. Don't force it because  you'll end up forcing yourself somewhere you don't want to be.

Have a blessed week!

Task for the week: Firstly, what do you think the head image means? Drop your thought's in the comments. Then ask yourself - are you truly poppin' or just forcing it? If you're just forcing then change that.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai -

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