Wednesday 29 June 2016

Add Poppin' Value!

Add Value

In all that you do, if you want to move forward and succeed then guess what the one major thing that you must do is?

Add Value.

The more Value you bring to people, the more successful you become, especially in business. The quicker you provide Value to others, the quicker you make money and the quicker you become successful. Value is the way to make money. 

Value is important because it gives importance. Without Value everything is worthless and no one likes anything worthless, so by providing Value you're improving people's lives and there way of living which also adds Value on to you.

Adding Value works hand in hand, the more Value you give, the more Value you gain. Adding Value isn't hard either, it's just simply you doing something that effects another person in a positive way that helps to improve them as a person or improves their life.

Task for the day: Firstly, see if you can figure out the Value being added in the picture or what the picture means, leave your guess in the comments. Then ask yourself and think of how you can bring more Value to the people around you.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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