Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Time To Get Poppin'!

The Time Is Now!

People have many excuses for not pursuing their dreams or doing what they want to do with their lives, but they all come under one excuse which has become a normal saying for some people, "It's not time yet". This is nonsense!

The Time Is Now!

Don't use "I'm waiting for the right time" as an excuse because the right time, is the time when you decide to go for it! If you have a dream, pursue it and here are a few reasons why:

1.Time Is Running Out
As the days go by, time is running out and you aren't getting any younger to be honest. Don't be fooled into thinking, the longer you wait, the easier it will be because this a lie that too many people believe! As you wait longer it becomes even more difficult because not only are other people pursuing the same dream as you but your opportunities are also decreasing as they're being taken up by others who have actually realised that time is running out and The Time Is Now. 

2.The Journey Is More Beneficial
The earlier you start, the more time you have to learn along the way meaning the journey is more beneficial. However, if you start late then you have less time to learn new things along the way as you're more likely to rush everything.

Procrastination is a top killer of many dreams; don't let it be the killer of yours!

Although it's best to act on your dreams as soon as possible, it's also vitally important that you do not rush. If you rush this could be your downfall. If you don't feel you're ready to take action just yet then make sure that you do plan and work on things to help you when you do decide to take action; but just don't leave it too late!

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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