Thursday, 16 June 2016

How To Stop Your Anger From Poppin'!

Control Your Anger

Too many people allow their Anger to boil and take over them. This is wrong.

Control Your Anger.

How you control your Anger can determine many things for you and has serious effects on not only your outcomes but also your health both mentally and physically. Here's how to ensure that you keep your Anger under control and don't let it ruin things for you:

1.Identify The Problem
You have to identify what gets you Angry because until you know what Angers you, you'll never be able to avoid it in order to keep calm. When you do find the problem, you must avoid it; try your hardest to stay away from what makes you angry. However, Anger is usually built up over a certain amount of time and events, so another thing you need to identify is the feeling from when it starts. When you identify the feeling, you can deal with it to make sure it doesn't escalate.

2.Forgive And Move On
You must forgive and move on. When someone does something that arouses your Anger you must quickly forgive them before it goes any further and don't ponder on it or let it stick in your head, just move on because the more you think about it, the more you begin to get even Angrier which defeats the whole point of forgiving them. When you forgive and move on, the problem now becomes irrelevant and disappears.

3.Don't Give Away Your Power
By getting Angry you're giving away your power. How? Because you have allowed yourself to be overpowered and ruled by the situation or person that has made you Angry. They/it has succeeded in Angering you and so they can now manipulate that Anger to lead you to do something wrong. By giving away your power you weaken yourself as well as show that you're weak.

4.Control Your Mind
Allow your mind to create situations, not the other way around. By controlling your mind to create situations, whatever you think up will come to pass. Whereas, if you allow your situation/environment to create/influence your mind, you'll always be affected by what's going on on the outside rather than the inside. Control your mind and you'll control your situations/environments.

Remember, you can't control what gets you Angry, but you can control if you let it escalate and how you react.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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