Friday, 29 July 2016

Change Is Poppin'.

Get Used To Change

In life, there's one thing that scares anyone and everyone no matter who they are, but yet it's something that everyone goes through and should get used to.


Unfortunately, a lot of people fear Change for various reasons, but yet it's something that we all go through and can actually help us.

Change should be feared by no one. Instead, it should be embraced by all and taken as an advantage because there's so much to gain and learn from it. Although four times out of ten things Change for the worse, the other the other six times are all Changes that help us become better people and are Changes that we actually gain from. Even the four times that aren't good Changes are still helpful as they make us stronger when we get through them.

Change is also important because it increases our versatility. By this, I mean that the more Changes we go through, the more prepared and able we are to go through most things if not everything. Versatility is important because it makes us stronger and means that we can adapt to different situations and inevitably control them.

Change isn't something to be afraid of, it's something to cherish and learn from. The more used you are to Change, the more able you are in life.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you're someone who's afraid of Change or just doesn't like it, start seeing its brighter side and what you can learn from it.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Thursday, 28 July 2016

Poppin' Understanding.

Understand Others

In life, not everyone will agree on the same things and have the same thoughts as you and as annoying as this may be, it's something that you have to learn to accept.

Understand Others.

It's important that you Understand others because the more people you understand, the bigger your network is because everyone loves someone who's understanding. Being Understanding is also a great skill to master because it can unlock so many doors in so many different areas for you; it increases your versatility.

Being Understanding can also be an advantage as you can learn from different points of view that you may have never thought about. And Understanding different points of view is also an advantage because it means that you can you're open minded. The best way to show Understanding or to Understand others is to...

To  Empathise with someone is to Understand them by putting yourself in their position and seeing where they are coming from. This makes it easier to Understand them because you actually gain an insight as to what their point is and why they've made that point.

Like I said, not everyone will agree on the same things and have the same thoughts as you and as annoying as this may be, it's something that you have to learn to accept and the quicker you learn to Understand Others, the better.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you're someone who doesn't usually have good Understanding of others, work on it with the way given above.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Mind Poppin'.

Train Your Mind

In order to not only become successful but also maintain success, there's one thing that's highly important and you must do...

Train Your Mind.

Your Mind is an extremely powerful tool that can actually do so much for you. However, it's important that you actually train your Mind in order to use it to your best advantage. Here are the two best ways to train your mind:

Recognise Negativity
You must be able to recognise when you're thinking negatively and when you do recognise these negative thoughts, reverse them and turn them into positive thoughts. Simply just keep on thinking of things that you have to be grateful for and you'll begin to think more positively.

Confess And Believe
You should constantly speak confessions regarding yourself. However, don't just speak these confessions for the sake of it, you should believe these confessions as well as speak them because belief is what activates them to actually work.

Like I said, Your Mind is an extremely powerful tool that can actually do so much for you, but it's up to you to Train it and make the most of it. Train Your Mind the right way and you'll be one step closer to success.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you don't feel as if you're using your Mind to the best of its ability, begin Training it using at least one of the two ways above.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Poppin' Vision.

Have A Vision

No matter what you want to be or do in life, there's one major thing that you must have and will help you get to where you're going. You need to...

Have A Vision.

Having a Vision is important because it puts everything into place ahead of you. The more you see yourself in a position, the more likely you are to soon be in that position. In order to be successful, there are two positions you must Vision yourself in:

The Journey
You must Visualise yourself on the road to success. This is important because as you think about the journey, you begin to plan the steps that you'll take and pre-solve problems that you could come across.

The Destination
You must Visualise yourself at the destination. The destination is what you're working towards; it's essentially the ultimate goal. Visualising yourself there motivates you to keep on going because you know what you're working towards.

Vision is a very powerful asset, so use your power of Vision to place things into existence and set things before you.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you don't already Have A Vision, then start Visualising yourself where you want to be and the journey you'll take to get there.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Monday, 25 July 2016

Resourceful Poppin'!

Be Resourceful!

Too many people use what they don't have as an excuse for not doing what they need to do in order to be where they want to be, this is wrong!

Be Resourceful!

No matter how little you have or the lack of facilities you face, you should be smart, willing and hungry enough to use what you have to make things happen for you.

Don't let your lack of facilities hold you back. In fact, this should be what motivates you because you want to be able to prove everyone wrong and do better than those who do have the facilities you need.

You should be smart enough to utilise what you have in such a way that it's as if you have what you actually need. You should be willing enough to temporarily settle for what you currently have as you work towards getting what you need. You should be too hungry to let anything hold you back or stop you.

Remember, it's all about what you do with what you have, not what you could do with what you need.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you're currently not doing what you need to do, to be where you need to be, because of your lack of resources or facilities then start using the resources and facilities that are available to the best of your ability.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Friday, 22 July 2016

Poppin' Isn't Impossible!

Break Down The Impossible!

In life, there's only one way that you can move forward and go far and that's by overcoming barriers and limits.

Break Down The Impossible!

Too many people deem things that they find difficult as Impossible and so they give up and claim that they can't do it. But when you break down the word itself, it say's 'I'm Possible'. What does this mean? It means that you can overcome whatever it is, and in order to do so, you just have to Break it Down.

When Breaking Down something to make it easier all you have to do is work out step-by-step how you're going to tackle it. It makes it easier because it lightens your load and when you work everything out separately and then put it back together at the end, you realise that you've completed it with ease.

Always remember, sometimes you have to Break things Down in order to make things happen.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If there's something that you've been avoiding because you deemed it as 'Impossible', then go back to it, break it down and complete it.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Zero Tolerance Poppin'!

Zero Tolerance!

No matter how calm and humble you are in life, there's one thing that you should always have...

Zero Tolerance!

In life, people will test you all the time and of course, there will be times when you will overlook a few things but there will also be times when you will have to stand your ground. 

By Zero Tolerance I mean that you shouldn't allow people to disrespect you, you should always back yourself and stand your ground because the more things that you allow, the less serious people take you.

You should always express how you feel towards someone. if you don't like the way they are towards you then you should let them know, this is the only way that anything will change. If you're just quiet and never say anything then it will continue to go on.

Never lower yourself for others! Be humble? Of course. But you should never decrease yourself just for the sake of someone else, be who you truly are, let them know you status and importance, this is how they will know to take you seriously.

Like I said, you'll obviously overlook a few things but always remember to stand your ground, it's the only way to be taken seriously nowadays because everyone's always trying to test each other and see how they can overpower.

Have a blessed day!

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Poppin' Goals!

Set The Ultimate Goal!

Although everyone usually talks about them having that one their Goals, these Goals are usually rather small and don't really link up, 

Set The Ultimate Goal.

Too many people set themselves little goals that are achievable, this isn't wrong but it could be done better. You should set yourself an Ultimate Goal that isn't really achievable or something that you can achieve quickly. It should be a Goal that you continuously have to work towards and will take you a long time to reach, here's why.

It's About The Journey
You're more likely to have a better and a more fruitful journey when you're working towards a goal that isn't achievable within your lifetime. When you set yourself Goals that you can achieve quickly, you often find yourself stopping and starting all the time and this actually slows you down and you often forget many things you learn along the way. Whereas if you're working towards one Ultimate Goal, you're more focused and you're motivated because you know what you're working towards and you're determined to get it. However, whilst working towards your Ultimate Goal you can have mini Goals that are in line with your Ultimate Goal and contribute towards it; and as a prompt, when you accomplish each mini Goal you can reward yourself to also keep you motivated.

Like I said before, don't misunderstand, little Goals are alright but just make sure that they coincide with each other and lead up to your Ultimate Goal.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: Make yourself an Ultimate Goal and start planning how you're going to get there.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Poppin' Association!

The Right Company

Nowadays it's so easy to make new friends whether it's online or in person, but there's one thing that you need to make sure you keep...

The Right Company.

In today's society, it's important that you keep the Right people around you because not everyone is needed in your life and not everyone's there for the right reason. Here are the two categories you should use to differentiate the people in your life.

By family I don't mean blood related. I mean people with who you have built such a special and close bond with that you consider each other as family. However, you shouldn't place someone in this category just because of how long you've known them; this can be someone that you've known since primary school or met in college. What you should place them in this category based on is the loyalty and love you have for each other.

These are the people who are in your life because you have fun times together and because you socialise with each other but aren't close or really serious with each other. But even this category can't be filled with just anyone because the wrong people could still try and bring you down. Not everyone is your friend.

Like I said, it's easy to make friends but you just need to be careful who you keep around you and know who's who. If you need some help figuring out who's who then use these four questions: are you motivated by them? Have they been completely loyal to you? Are they supportive? Do you see them in your future?

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: Evaluate everyone you know and place them into the two categories. If needed then end some friendships. You don't need extra people lingering around.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Monday, 18 July 2016

Happy Poppin'!

Be Happy!

No matter what the situation is or what's going on in your life, there's one simple thing that you should always remember to do no matter what...

Be Happy!

Happiness is important because it's who keeps you going daily, but yet many people say that they find it hard to be Happy and it shouldn't be like this. Here's the main reason why and how you can overcome it and be Happy.

Be Appreciative
Although it may not be obvious, the reason why a lot of people aren't Happy is because they're unappreciative of what they have. By this, I mean that they don't take the time to actually realise how blessed they are and they take the little things for granted like actually being alive and being able to live another day. Life in itself is a blessing but too many people fail to realise this and let their lack of materialistic things take over and blind them into sadness. The more appreciative you are of even the little you may have, the happier you are.

Remember, Happiness is what keeps you going daily. Being Happy is also extremely good for your health. Stay appreciative, stay Happy.

Have a blessed day.

Task for the day: If you're not as Happy as you should be at the moment, then take the time out to see what the problem is, then do what you need to do to either fix it or get rid of it; it may be that you just aren't being appreciative.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Friday, 15 July 2016

Disciplined Poppin'!

Discipline Yourself

A lot of people lack Discipline but yet it's such an important factor to have in your life.

Discipline Yourself.

Discipline is the most important thing that you yourself can develop that will help you in every aspect of your life, throughout your life. However, many people struggle with this and here are two ways you can work on your Self-Discipline.

1.Start With Small Goals
When you start working on your Self-Discipline, don't try and set yourself ridiculous goals because then you're even less likely to Discipline yourself. You should set yourself realistic goals that you know you'll be able to accomplish and that you know you'll stick to. As your Self-Discipline increases then you can begin to set yourself bigger and better goals because you know that you're now more likely to achieve them than before. Take it step-by-step.

2.Be Persistent
While working on your Self-Discipline, you have to be persistent. To be persistent means that you're constantly working at it and you don't take any breaks or allow any slip ups. If you do slip up then immediately get back at it. The more you persist, the more Disciplined you become, because persistence and Discipline work hand-in-hand.

Like I said before, Discipline is the most important thing that you yourself can develop that will help you in every aspect of your life, throughout your life. But another thing to remember whilst being Disciplined is to reward yourself from time to time because that contributes to you being Disciplined as you're more willing because you're benefiting from it.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: Ask yourself, "Am I Disciplined enough?" or "Do I have Self-Discipline?". If not then use this weekend to work on your Self-Discipline using the two ways provided above.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Thursday, 14 July 2016

Temporary Storms, Permanent Poppin'!

Storms Are Temporary

There comes a time in life where everyone goes through a rough patch, but there's one thing that you should always remember.

Storms Are Temporary.

The rough patches that you go through in life are Temporary Storms that set you up for permanent greatness. You should never let these Temporary Storms stop you and here's how you can get through them.

1.Focus On The End Goal
Always focus on the end goal, because that's what you're working towards. The end goal is what gives you a purpose and is what you strive towards and so you have a reason to keep on going and not give up. However, whilst focusing on the end goal don't forget to enjoy the process and the journey it takes to get there. Why? Because the process and the journey are what makes you and are what determine the end goal.

2.Keep Yourself Busy
You should keep yourself constantly busy. Why? Because when you're busy you don't have time to notice all of the things going wrong, and when things go unnoticed they eventually either go away or fix themselves. And so by keeping yourself busy, you're allowing the problem to be solved before you even notice it.

Like I already said, Storms are Temporary so don't let them faze you.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you're going through hard times at the moment then use the two suggestions provided above or if you know someone who is, then help them by recommending the two steps to them.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Break Into Poppin'!


In life, too many people allow themselves to be trapped because of their past or background, but this is wrong. You can not let your past or background define who you are or who you are going to be. There's one thing that you will have to do in order to make a change for yourself and move forward.


In order for you to become the great person you want to be, you will have to Breakaway from a few things and depending on where you come from, your past or background may be one of those things. If so, then here's how you can Breakaway.

Set Your Own Standards
In life, you can not allow your future to be determined by your past or background, you have have the strength to take it upon yourself to Breakaway and set your own standards. By setting your own standards I mean setting goals that YOU want to accomplish and setting standards that are fit for YOU to abide by and not aiming or abiding by those that were predestined by where you came from or are the normal reality because of the circumstances of where you came from.

No matter where you come from or what your past is, you can become as great as you want to be but you just have to Breakaway and let go. Work to the sound of your own whistle and not by the whistle of those of your past, or it won't happen. Also, don't forget, God is by your side helping you.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: Firstly, what do you think the headline image represents? Leave your thoughts in the comments. Now, if you're letting your past or background hold you back from where you want to be then at least start Breaking away from it TODAY. If you feel that there is something holding you back but you don't know what it is, then dig deep to find what it is and Breakaway from it.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Best You Poppin'!

Be The Best You

As time goes by, more and more people are trying to better themselves and this is great!

Be The Best You!

There's only one way that you can be guaranteed to go far in life and that's by Being The Best You. Personally, I love to see people who are bettering themselves and I love to help them with that, so here are the three main ways you can Be The Best You.

Be Proud But Humble
In all you do, no matter what you do, be proud! The best way for you to Be The Best You is to be proud of yourself no matter what. This is because when you're proud of yourself, you'll show the true you and won't hide behind a false act. Even if you make a mistake, be proud of it, take it on the chin and simply just move on from it. However, don't let your pride be your downfall. Also, remember to always humble yourself in all you do. The humble ones always come out on top. Be proud within reason and humble at all times.

The 100% Rule
Never be half-hearted. Every decision you make, no matter what it's about, if you aren't 120% sure, then don't do it. Sure, sometimes you won't be 120% sure but you'll do it anyway and it'll still pay off but that won't always happen and if it does then that's probably because you were at least 90% sure. Never do something just for the sake of it, only if you feel it's right and you have the urge to do it.

Be Willing
Be willing to learn and experience new things. There's literally no way for you to become a better person unless you're willing. This is because when you're willing, you discover new things about yourself because you step out of your comfort zone and take on new ventures which bring out the Best in You. Willingness is one of the stepping stones that will lead you to Be The Best You.

Like I previously mentioned, love to see people who are bettering themselves and I love to help them with that so take these three tips, put them to full use and trust me, you'll Be The Best You.

Have a blessed day.

Task for the day: From this day onwards, if you aren't already doing so, then make sure that you're proud of yourself but humble towards others, 120% sure about everything you do and every decision that you make.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Monday, 11 July 2016

Think Poppin' Big!

Think Big!

Nowadays, people tend to box up their minds and don't really expand their Thinking, this isn't good.

Think Big!

Thinking Big is to think outside of the box and outside of the reality of your circumstances. It's important because it keeps you motivated. One way for you to think big is by...

Thinking Long Term
Too many people only Think about the short term and that's small Thinking. In order for you to Think Big, you have to Think ahead and Think of where you aim to be and where you're going. People who Think long term very rarely fail because they're expectant of what's ahead and have already set out a track for themselves to follow. Thinking long term is Thinking Big because you're seeing the bigger picture and aren't limiting yourself to your current circumstances.

Thinking Big not only helps keep you motivated but it also helps you get through things and gives you hope. It also means that you're always working towards something and have aims and goals. Thinking Big is what helps you progress.

Have a blessed day.

Task for the day: Firstly, see if you can work out the significance of the headline image; leave your guess' in the comments.Now, if you're someone who limits your Thoughts and holds them back, STOP! Start today, to allow yourself to Think Big, expand your thoughts; think outside of the box and outside of your circumstances.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Friday, 8 July 2016

Poppin' Proactively!

Be Proactive

These days, too many people are hooked on the idea that good things come to those who wait. This is true but whilst waiting there's something you should do.

Be Proactive.

Waiting around isn't enough, you have to actually do things in the mean time which will also contribute to your end product. The best way to Be Proactive is to...

Take Charge

One of the main reasons why people usually just wait around for things to happen is because they keep on believing that 'If it's meant to be then it'll be'. This is true but there's no way you'll know if you don't take charge and go for it. This is where being Proactive comes into play. By Being Proactive you're taking charge and doing things that contribute to what you're waiting for to ensure it happens.

All though everything has its time, it's no good just waiting around doing nothing. The people who really achieve what they want to achieve are those who do things during the build up which contribute to their end goal.

Task for the day: If you're currently just waiting for something to take place, look for at least one thing you can do in the meantime which will contribute towards making that particular thing or maybe even another thing happen.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Thursday, 7 July 2016

Poppin' Life!

Enjoy Life

No matter what you've been through or what you're currently going through, there's one thing that you must always remember to do.

Enjoy Life!

Some people may say that they don't really know how to enjoy their life or are enjoying it but it could be better. Well here's one way which you is guaranteed to make you enjoy it to the fullest:

Do It For You
Life is too short to be living for other people. The only way you'll enjoy Life is if you're doing what you want to do and not what others want you to do. You should live your Life for yourself and no one but yourself- and God. Too many people use other people as an excuse for not enjoying their Life, and just talk about how many sacrifices they've had to make for others. If you make a sacrifice for someone, forget it and move on, there's no point of you reminiscing, just look forward.

You only have one Life so enjoy it to the fullest. Don't spend your whole Life wishing that you had done certain things and then die knowing that you could have lived better because then it'll be too late, do it now.

Task for the day: Ask yourself, are you currently enjoying your life? If not then check why and change it.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Earn Your Poppin'!

Earn It

In today's society, too many people are too reluctant and prefer to receive handouts than to work for it themselves.

Earn It.

The best way that you could ever gain or achieve anything is by working hard and actually earning it instead of it just simply being handed to you. Why?

It Holds Greater Value
When you've worked hard for something and actually Earn it, you automatically value it way more than you would if it was just simply handed to you. It holds greater value because you know what it means to you and how hard you worked to get it and so you're also more grateful for it.

Some people may think "How do you Earn something, it's not that simple". This is true, but there's one way that never fails:

Work Hard

Hard work is the key to all doors. You can earn anything from opportunities to gifts and recognition all by working hard. Hard work always pays off, no matter what it's for and how long it takes, it always has its rewards according to how hard you work and what you're working for.

Task for the day: If there's something that you really want to achieve or really want to get then start working for it today.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Your Own Poppin'!

Don't Listen To Others

Everyone's always talking, whether it's negative or positive. When it comes to negative talk, there's one thing you should do.

Don't Listen To Others.

Anyone who talks negativity doesn't deserve your attention. People who talk negativity only have one goal. Know what it is?

To Deter You
If anyone talks negatively towards you, then all they're trying to do is deter you from whatever you're doing. They do this because they know that you're about to accomplish something that they can't and so they want you to quit. But this is where your strength comes in. you should be strong enough to ignore the negativity and block it out. It's the only way you can keep on going, if you Listen To Others and let their negativity get to you then you'll eventually stop.

However, there are those who actually want to help you and will say things from their point of view and give you:

Just because someone gives you advice, doesn't necessarily mean you have to take it. Many people will give you advice but it's up to you whether or not you take it. You should only take advice if you feel that it'll benefit you, not just for the sake of it.

I repeat, everyone's always talking, whether it's negative or positive. So it's your job to make sure that you Don't Listen To Others.

Task for the day: If you aren't already, begin to filter out the negative things people say to you and Don't Listen to them.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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