Tuesday 26 July 2016

Poppin' Vision.

Have A Vision

No matter what you want to be or do in life, there's one major thing that you must have and will help you get to where you're going. You need to...

Have A Vision.

Having a Vision is important because it puts everything into place ahead of you. The more you see yourself in a position, the more likely you are to soon be in that position. In order to be successful, there are two positions you must Vision yourself in:

The Journey
You must Visualise yourself on the road to success. This is important because as you think about the journey, you begin to plan the steps that you'll take and pre-solve problems that you could come across.

The Destination
You must Visualise yourself at the destination. The destination is what you're working towards; it's essentially the ultimate goal. Visualising yourself there motivates you to keep on going because you know what you're working towards.

Vision is a very powerful asset, so use your power of Vision to place things into existence and set things before you.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you don't already Have A Vision, then start Visualising yourself where you want to be and the journey you'll take to get there.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - denzel_a@hotmail.co.uk - snapchat: denzel.abz

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