Monday 25 July 2016

Resourceful Poppin'!

Be Resourceful!

Too many people use what they don't have as an excuse for not doing what they need to do in order to be where they want to be, this is wrong!

Be Resourceful!

No matter how little you have or the lack of facilities you face, you should be smart, willing and hungry enough to use what you have to make things happen for you.

Don't let your lack of facilities hold you back. In fact, this should be what motivates you because you want to be able to prove everyone wrong and do better than those who do have the facilities you need.

You should be smart enough to utilise what you have in such a way that it's as if you have what you actually need. You should be willing enough to temporarily settle for what you currently have as you work towards getting what you need. You should be too hungry to let anything hold you back or stop you.

Remember, it's all about what you do with what you have, not what you could do with what you need.

Have a blessed day!

Task for the day: If you're currently not doing what you need to do, to be where you need to be, because of your lack of resources or facilities then start using the resources and facilities that are available to the best of your ability.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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