Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Earn Your Poppin'!

Earn It

In today's society, too many people are too reluctant and prefer to receive handouts than to work for it themselves.

Earn It.

The best way that you could ever gain or achieve anything is by working hard and actually earning it instead of it just simply being handed to you. Why?

It Holds Greater Value
When you've worked hard for something and actually Earn it, you automatically value it way more than you would if it was just simply handed to you. It holds greater value because you know what it means to you and how hard you worked to get it and so you're also more grateful for it.

Some people may think "How do you Earn something, it's not that simple". This is true, but there's one way that never fails:

Work Hard

Hard work is the key to all doors. You can earn anything from opportunities to gifts and recognition all by working hard. Hard work always pays off, no matter what it's for and how long it takes, it always has its rewards according to how hard you work and what you're working for.

Task for the day: If there's something that you really want to achieve or really want to get then start working for it today.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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