Friday, 8 July 2016

Poppin' Proactively!

Be Proactive

These days, too many people are hooked on the idea that good things come to those who wait. This is true but whilst waiting there's something you should do.

Be Proactive.

Waiting around isn't enough, you have to actually do things in the mean time which will also contribute to your end product. The best way to Be Proactive is to...

Take Charge

One of the main reasons why people usually just wait around for things to happen is because they keep on believing that 'If it's meant to be then it'll be'. This is true but there's no way you'll know if you don't take charge and go for it. This is where being Proactive comes into play. By Being Proactive you're taking charge and doing things that contribute to what you're waiting for to ensure it happens.

All though everything has its time, it's no good just waiting around doing nothing. The people who really achieve what they want to achieve are those who do things during the build up which contribute to their end goal.

Task for the day: If you're currently just waiting for something to take place, look for at least one thing you can do in the meantime which will contribute towards making that particular thing or maybe even another thing happen.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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