Zero Tolerance!
No matter how calm and humble you are in life, there's one thing that you should always have...
Zero Tolerance!
In life, people will test you all the time and of course, there will be times when you will overlook a few things but there will also be times when you will have to stand your ground.
By Zero Tolerance I mean that you shouldn't allow people to disrespect you, you should always back yourself and stand your ground because the more things that you allow, the less serious people take you.
You should always express how you feel towards someone. if you don't like the way they are towards you then you should let them know, this is the only way that anything will change. If you're just quiet and never say anything then it will continue to go on.
Never lower yourself for others! Be humble? Of course. But you should never decrease yourself just for the sake of someone else, be who you truly are, let them know you status and importance, this is how they will know to take you seriously.
Like I said, you'll obviously overlook a few things but always remember to stand your ground, it's the only way to be taken seriously nowadays because everyone's always trying to test each other and see how they can overpower.
Have a blessed day!
-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz
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