Simplicity Is Poppin'!
Simplicity Is Key!
Unfortunately, many people in life find themselves stressing and worrying about challenges and problems they're facing, but this just makes them worse and complicates everything.
Simplicity Is Key!
By complicating your life, you only make things worse for yourself, but a lot of people don't know this and believe that that's just how life is. NO! You can make your life much simpler and here's how:
1.Work Smarter
Some people think that the only way to overcome certain circumstances or to progress is by working harder 24/7. This may work for those people and there's nothing wrong with working hard, but the best way to simplify everything is by working smarter. By working smarter you find easier and more effective ways of completing tasks and overcoming issues without stressing over them. One way you could work smarter is by taking on one task at a time and whilst working on that task, seek advice from people who have had to do the same thing or something similar. Also, look for simple solutions, as they are the most effective.
2.Cut Out Irrelevance
Some people are always saying "My life is so hard. I have so much going on" and they use this as an excuse for their life being hard and them not being where they're meant to be. Well then cut out anything that's irrelevant. For me the only things I associate myself with are things that concern my Christianity, my family, my business and my income. Anything else, I make sure that I don't associate myself with because they're just irrelevant hindrances that will hold me back! "How do you know if it's irrelevant?" you may ask, well is it majorly contributing to your progress, making things easier for you or have any essential place in your life?
3.Dwell In Peace, Serenity and Prosperity
It's a hard world, and you're often told that you must step out of your comfort zone in order to move forward and this is totally true. However, I know for a fact that there are those of you who struggle to do this and it causes you to feel a certain type of way, but it shouldn't be like this. You should place yourself in a mindset of Peace, Serenity and Prosperity. This helps you adapt for you as it simplifies everything and keeps you composed which is important when not trying to freak out. A way I do this is by reading my bible and praying daily.
-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz
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