Potential Into Product
To my fellow Brothers and Sisters who have been Loyal to their Craft and Grind; this Year is Our Year, and when the Harvest comes, We Shall Reap Abundantly!!!
Product Into Potential.
Don't be deterred by your small beginnings when you first start out, as a matter of fact this should make you even hungrier and increase your determination as you are even more focused on turning your potential into the perfect product. Here are a few tips which will make clearer what I am telling you, as well as help you:
2. Excellence on your level
Aim and strive to be the best at your craft, it's the only way forward! Excellence on your level means that your evidently- because you begin to see gradual results- maximizing and correctly taking advantage of your potential so that even though you're still working towards the end product, you're still the greatest up and coming prospect in your field; it also makes it evident that your end product is going to be something spectacular. Your competitors shouldn't be able to even claim that they are competitors because you are far and beyond their level- if they do then you probably need to go back to step one and work harder on your self-development.
3. Responsibility of Growth
Make sure that you are responsible for your own growth! Being responsible for your own growth means that you aren't letting people hinder or take over your potential for their own benefits, but instead, you ensure that if you do receive outside help, that it fully benefits you before anyone else. By this, I don't mean refuse help from people or don't ask for help or advice, but I mean don't rely on people or accept help from just anyone. If you do rely on people or accept outside help from just anyone, then be prepared to get let down at times because unfortunately, not everyone is there for you and has your best interest at heart.
Your product is the end result and what you aim to achieve in what you do. Also, remember, your grind and how much you put in, is what sets you apart from the rest and determines how well you utilised your potential and how great your product is. And remember, Never quit!!
3. Responsibility of Growth
-Written by Denzel Abdulai - denzel_a@hotmail.co.uk - snapchat: denzel.abz
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