Monday, 30 May 2016

Think Poppin'!

Mentality And Mindset.

Your Mentality and Mindset are the two assets that if brought together and used properly, can make a great difference to the person you are.

Mentality And Mindset.

Your Mentality and Mindset is the way your mind works, your way of thinking and your attitudes you hold. Some people see them as two different things and others see them as synonyms for each other, but either way, if you use them alongside each other for the right reasons and maintain them, they're due to improve your life dramatically. And if you don't know how to, here's the number one tip that'll put everything into place:

Increase Your Positive Intake

In order to improve your Mentality and Mindset, you must increase your positive intake. Your positive intake is the amount of positivity you take in and surround yourself with. This helps because your mind conjures up and fills up with thoughts based on what you watch, listen to, read etc and your thoughts are what affects your attitudes. This helps you think positively and have a positive attitude to everything you do, which makes your life way easier.

Although this article is a short one, it just goes to show that your Mentality and Mindset are two very simple things which are so easy to better.

-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz

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