Your Best Attribute?
There comes a point in life, where you have to get real and decide what you want to do and what's best for you and your future. The younger generations who are reading this, and maybe even some people from the older generations, are probably thinking "Well, I'm doing pretty well right now and that's good enough for me", but if it's really for you, you shouldn't be doing 'pretty well', you should be doing EXTREMELY well and you shouldn't be settling for 'good enough', you should be aiming to have THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE WHILST DOING IT!
It's very hard for most people to make this decision, which can lead them to make the wrong ones and that's because they don't know how to and this is vitally important as it sets you up for your life.
What's Your Best Attribute?
As I mentioned before, most people find it hard to make this decision and it's usually because they don't know where or how to start. Well, I suggest you start by finding your best attribute, and here are a few ways which can help you find your best attribute and make a decision based on it and go far with it:
1.Evaluate Yourself
2.Educate Yourself
3.Work Yourself

The third step is to be dedicated, hungry and hard-working. With theses three factors, your bound to be great in all you do! However, do take time out to rest and regenerate, as well as reward yourself.
Key things to remember are that you shouldn't rush and you must do if for YOU and no one else, because it's simply your life and all the choices you make, mostly affect you!
A personal step that I took when finding myself and my calling, was, as a devoted Christian, praying and consulting as well as confiding, in God. This was because I knew that his calling for me was the best thing for me and it actually made things easier for me, as I found that many doors and opportunities were brought to me.
-Written by Denzel Abdulai - - snapchat: denzel.abz
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